What’s Up Next: Unconventional Arrangements

If you haven’t read the draft of Creme Brulee and you want to,
now’s the time. It’ll be available until Sunday night (3/30), and then
it will disappear until the edited, polished version is ready for sale
in a few weeks. It’s an…odd little story, I admit, but if you can
stick with it and trust me until the end, I promise things all work out
as they should…

Also, if you like audiobooks, you’re going to love listening to Irish Cream, which should be ready in just a few short weeks! Audry Lusk is narrating once again, and if you listened to Chocolate Cream, you know just how sultry she is (if you haven’t, do!). I’ll let you know as soon as Irish Cream hits the virtual shelves!

other news, I’ve decided to take a break from the BDSM niche I’ve been
writing in, and explore some new directions (though we may still run
into some D/s situations, of course). Still steamy, erotic romance, but
I’ve decided to start a new, ongoing series of books all centered around
a different sort of matchmaking service called Unconventional Arrangements, run by one Pamela Kelly.

are rules, of course. Money is paid to the service for the listing, but
services requested or offered by clients to other clients using the
service must be free. In short, Unconventional Arrangements will not
accept advertising for paid household servants, sexual favors, or

no conventional dating site profiles allowed. Walking on the beach and
long talks by candlelight are so…conventional, don’t you think?
Clients of UA want to know what it will take to make you truly happy. If
you’re looking for someone to take care of you, or if you want to be
with someone who will obey your every command, that’s the kind of thing
you list on UA. If you’re looking for both a wife and a mistress (or a
husband and lover), be honest. Want a marriage of convenience, for
security and/or children? UA can set that up. Need a trophy wife? Want
to be that trophy wife? UA can do that too. 

I write erotic romance,
so you know that these matches, however unconventional, are all going
to end up with two people falling in love. There will be happily ever
afters, or at least happily for now’s for all involved. These books will
also be longer than the novelettes I’ve been writing, following our
dear characters as they get exactly what they want (including lots of
hot sex), and end up with exactly what they need. I’m excited to get
started, and I think this is going to be a great series with a lot of
fascinating relationships to explore.

will be serializing these right here on the blog, with a slight change.
Each week there will be a new installment posted Friday night, as
usual. The difference is, each installment will only be available until
the next one is posted, so you’ll need to either keep up with the story,
or subscribe to the blog via email so you get each installment in your
inbox. This is to lessen the likelihood of people copying all the
installments at once from the blog and posting them elsewhere for
unlimited downloading/reading. I realize my books will be pirated, but
I’d rather it was the polished, edited version rather than my draft

hope you’ll join me next Friday night for the first installment of a
new Unconventional Arrangements novel – so new I don’t even have a title
for it yet! It has to do with a mountain man though, and a woman who
wants a quieter, more routine life to replace her chaotic fast-paced
youth. Although life with a hermit may be a little quieter than she was

Stay tuned!

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