Quick Fiction: Shower Buddies

Today, a quick excerpt of a little something I’m working on. This is the unedited version, but I think it’s coming along nicely.  Enjoy!

Mandi shuffled her flip-flops into one of the grungy-but-generous camp shower stalls and latched the door closed with a flimsy-looking hook and eye. She hung her towel on a hook to the side and quickly disrobed, shivering as the cool air hit her skin. It was early, but the birds were up and singing loudly, the sound echoing through the screened vents just under the eves of the plain square building.

She didn’t begrudge them the noise. It had been too long since she’d seen any ‘action’, and if she thought it would help, she’d be calling to mate too. Giggling at the thought, she pinned her long, bronde hair into a messy bun on top of her head and retrieved the tiny bar of soap and a washcloth from the pocket of her robe.

Her flip-flops smacked loudly as she went to the other end of the stall where a small, calcified showerhead hung out from the wall, promising nothing but a cold, unsatisfying stream of liquid that would hopefully be clear enough to make her feel clean. She should have just hiked back up to the waterfall she’d passed the day before, but it was twenty minutes one way. Maybe tomorrow.

Bracing herself, she slowly turned the knob to start the water, hearing the building door open just as the icy stream hit her in the chest. Unable to stop herself, she gasped, earning an amused chuckle from the man who had taken the stall right next to hers.

“Refreshing, I take it?” His voice was mid-range and pleasant, and in her mind she pictured a blond with a narrow face and maybe a slightly dorky goatee that didn’t detract at all from the rather fine physique she was giving him for a chest.
It really had been too long.

“That’s one word for it.” She laughed, her voice shaking along with the rest of her body. “It’ll definitely wake ya right up!”

He chuckled again, and she heard his shower turn on, though he didn’t gasp.

“Oh, I’ve had coffee and breakfast already, so I’m awake. Just thought I’d clean up a bit before I head back to the lake.”

Mandi smiled, running the soap hard over her skin, trying to generate enough friction for any small amount of heat she could get.

“I’m headed to the lake today myself. It’s about two miles, right?” She fought to keep her teeth from chattering as she lathered up her legs.

“Yep. Almost exactly. Real pretty hike, too. When are you guys heading out?”

“It’s just me.” Mandi could hear him lathering himself up. Why wasn’t the man as cold as she was? “I thought I’d grab a quick cup of coffee after this, and then get moving. I want to take my time on the trail, soak up nature, if you know what I mean.” She turned off the water and practically ran to her towel, drying off as quickly as she could.

“I do know what you mean. Though you know you shouldn’t hike alone, right?”

She ignored the well-meant advice. “That was the coldest shower I’ve had in a long time.” She giggled and wrapped her bar of soap in the wrung-out washcloth, hearing his shower turn off too. “How is it you don’t sound like you’re freezing in there?” She shrugged into her robe and unlatched her stall door, padding out to stand in front of his.

There was some shuffling on his side of the door, and then it opened. His hair was a bit darker than she’d imagined, but his body was far more sculpted, and she wasn’t sure how she managed to smile instead of drool at the thought of what was under the loosely wrapped towel at his waist.

“I have a secret.” He winked and gestured for her to join him in the stall. Mandi hesitated for one second, and then stepped past the door, noting that he latched it behind her. The whole stall felt warmer, and she noticed two metal pails sitting near the drain, steam coming out of the top.

“This is why I make coffee first. I stoke up a fire, boil a few kettles of river water, and then I get warm water to mix with the cold. It’s not a perfect system, but I’m not shivering like a rabid squirrel either.” He put an arm around her shoulders and gently pulled her forward. “Stick your hand in there. I’m worried you’re gonna get hypothermia on me.”

Mandi bent over and put both hands in one of the buckets. “Oh my God. That is heavenly!” She stood and put her hands on her neck, closing her eyes at the sensation. “You know what you need?” she opened her eyes and found him grinning at her, and she grinned right back.

“I need all sorts of things, darlin’, but if you keep looking at me like that, it’s gonna give me one very specific idea.” His green eyes twinkled, and he stepped closer, testing her personal space boundary.

Mandi closed the distance, putting her hands on his smooth, warm shoulders.

“Well for starters, I think you need a shower buddy. Because if I shouldn’t hike alone, I definitely shouldn’t shower alone. Save me from my own stupidity?” She batted her eyes at him dramatically.

He grasped her hips at the exact moment his towel came loose and fell. She looked down and grinned.

“Oops.” He shrugged and pulled her closer.

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