New Release: Chocolate Cream

Looking for the St. Patrick’s day installment of The Naughty List? Come back Sunday. If you want something to read now, check out the latest in my Creme du Jour series, just released today:

Audrey Patrick has had a crush on a certain pastry chef since she was in
high school. Now that she’s all grown up with her own degree, she has a
chance to work with the man himself. When she goes to interview for a
job in his kitchen, he surprises her with an interview for a position of
a more…personal nature as well. But can she handle the kind of heat
he wants to subject her to?

Chocolate Cream is available now in ebook format for $1.49 in the Brazen Snake Books store, and also from these other fine online retailers:

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | All Romance eBooks | Kobo | Smashwords

It should reach other retail outlets (Sony, Apple, Diesel) in the next few weeks.

But wait! Wanna get your copy for free? Today only, use the code “CHOCWHIP” at checkout in the BSB store, and you can download your choice of formats for free. The code is good until midnight!

Thanks for reading, and enjoy! Next up, Lemon Cream
