This week’s excerpt is from one of my very first stories – and still one of my very favorites too. Meet Kaylee & Patrick, if you haven’t already…

“This isn’t gonna work. You should
Kaylee held her ground. “Why won’t
it work, Mr. Big Bad Wolf? Or maybe you aren’t so bad after all?”
She moved in, running one finger down the center of his chest. “You
know,” she said, standing on tip-toe to place a kiss on his jaw,
“I’ve been looking forward to taking a ride all night. You
wouldn’t deny me, would you?” She wiggled her fingers into his
jeans, the manicured tips just brushing the head of his hard cock.
He wrapped his hand around her wrist,
his grip firm. “You have no idea what you’re asking.”
“Oh, you might be surprised,”
she said, petting his chest again with her free hand. Her fingers
shook just a little, contradicting her brave words. He relaxed a
little. She obviously didn’t know anything. Maybe it was time to come
clean. At least she wouldn’t bother him after she ran away as fast as
she could. As long as she kept her mouth shut.
He released her wrist, caught her
around the cinched-in waist and pulled her up against his body.
Leaning down he took her lips, nibbling and sucking until she opened,
then thrusting his tongue in to meet hers. He let out all the
frustration and stress from the night, giving her a taste of what
might come. When he finally pulled back, she stood there, trembling
in his arms as she gazed at him with wide, doe-like eyes.
“If you come in, there are some
ground rules you need to know. I’m in charge. You do as I say, when I
say it. I don’t use safe words, so once you go through that door, you
won’t leave until I give you permission.”
She backed up a step, regarding him
with more thought than he cared to see. She should be running down
the drive by now. “Am I allowed to ask questions?”
“Within reason.” Patrick’s
body heated. He couldn’t believe she was actually considering it.
Just the thought of that tight little ass under his hand or one of
his whips made him shiver.
She took a deep breath then let it out
in a rush. “Okay.”
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