Writer’s Notes

Writer’s Notes: Whipped Cream, Ch. 7

Well this should be interesting, eh? Duncan can’t play the submissive. I know that for a fact. I was thinking he might, but it’s not going to happen. I do think he can work this another way though, to where Celia has the illusion that she’s in control, but...


Writer’s Notes: Whipped Cream, Ch. 5

I have to say, I’m relieved at this week’s chapter. Celia was being entirely *too* submissive – not her normal self. She certainly seems to have snapped out of it though, with a vengeance. And now with Duncan banned from the club, things should get interesting…. In order to...


Writer’s Notes: Whipped Cream Introduction

I thought maybe it would be interesting for some serial readers to get a little insight into what I’m thinking about as I write these stories, so “Writer’s Notes” is a new feature for the blog that begins…well, today. I’m not sure if it will be weekly or bi-weekly...
