Bedtime Books for July

Current Read: Property of the Mountain Man by Gemma Weir

I started reading a sample of this a couple weeks ago, and didn’t expect to be drawn in quite so completely. I don’t often read books with a first person narrator, and the writing itself didn’t really hook me when I started reading the sample in my Kindle app. I was first introduced to it via a Facebook ad, and was intrigued because it’s set in Montana, as am I.

Then I finished the sample, and I found myself clicking the “buy” button just because I didn’t want to stop reading.

And that’s why I’m still reading, though slowly at the moment due to a reading “assignment” (non-fiction) I need to finish by a certain date.

I’m honestly still not sure if I’m loving it or not, but I’m definitely going to read the whole thing to find out.

What are you reading? Anything you’d recommend?

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